For movie enthusiasts, it’s quite normal to be curious about how fan-favorite motion pictures are made.
What goes on behind the cameras? How did an actor get selected for a key role? What did it take for the crew to produce a piece of art to be relished by the audience? How did a special effect end up looking so realistic? How was a so-called “impossible” shot accomplished? It’s normal to crave the inside scoop and wish to know more about your favorite actors and iconic film sequences.
So, we’re bringing you some behind-the-scenes movie facts to satisfy your inner movie buff.
1. Braveheart
In the “Braveheart” movie, some of the extras brought in were part of The Wallace Clan. The film had an epic scope, which is why hundreds of extras were needed for its production. The moviemakers thought that members of the Wallace Clan would be the perfect fit for it. One of the actors, Mel Gibson, was quite impressed that it turned out exactly how the filmmakers envisioned some of the movie’s key scenes. After all, what better way to achieve a realistic depiction of real-life events than bringing actual family members on screen?

Getty Images | The set of Braveheart was packed with members of the Wallace Clan
2. City Slickers
In the movie “City Slickers,” Billy Crystal’s role largely consisted of riding on a horse named Beechnut, and from what we’ve heard, the two seemingly formed a strong bond while working on set. Seeing this unique bond between Beechnut and Crystal, the production’s horse wrangler requested the horse be given to Crystal once production was complete.

Mental Floss | Crystal thought that Beechnut was a great horse since their first time working together
3. Silence of the Lambs
Jodie Foster worked on “Silence of the Lambs” with Anthony Hopkins and despite sharing the filming set for months on end, as it turned out, the two did not do any socializing. The movie was released back in 1991 but Foster divulged in an interview on “The Graham Show” that the two barely ever spoke to each other while they were filming on set. She revealed that she found Hopkins’ acting absolutely terrifying which is why she tried keeping her distance. Plus, the two of them were rarely on the same screen frame and mostly had glass partitions between them, which made communication ever harder.

Everett Collection | Talk about being great at your job - even coworkers forget it’s just a movie
Did you know any of these behind-the-scenes facts? Which one of them made you gasp in surprise?