There is a certain romance and charm associated with the past. Any person who has lived through the 90s as their definitive years can’t help but reminisce about those simpler times, when the world was on the brink of the internet revolution. We had no idea on how rapidly the world around us was going to change. And even now, whenever nostalgia hits the 90s generation, they often recall the past and the things associated with that decade. Let’s take a trip down the memory lane:
Frosted tips:
This was the one fashion trend which made the youth feel like a million bucks. All the popular guy band members at the time rocked the frosted tips hairstyle, and any ordinary guy looking to make an impression on a night’s out turned to this trendy hairstyle.

Tumitsu/Unsplash. The Goosebumps stories were a staple read in our childhood for the 90s kids.
Reading Goosebumps under covers:
Despite several warnings from your parents, friends and teachers, you couldn’t help but read the deliciously horror stories Goosebumps. But then you would shake under the covers as the scary premises and characters of Goosebumps came to life in your imagination. They can probably give you a good scare if you were to read them today.

Alsu Vershinina/Unsplash. We all imagined ourselves as the child left behind in theHome Alone movies.
Reenacting Home Alone in your head:
Nothing seemed cooler to you as a child in the 90s than to be forgotten at home as your family went on a vacation, like the evergreen Home Alone movies. You played all the scenarios in your head as a child, wondering how it would feel to be left in charge at home and facing some silly burglars.
Keeping a list of pager codes:
People who were uber cool at the time would often own a pager in their family. Wearing one on a belt was a source of immense pride for you, and you carried around a list of all the codes you would need to understand the messages you get on your pager.

Patricia Prudente/Unsplash. Rocking to the tunes of the Barbie Girl song is a classic 90s memory.
Rocking to the tunes of Barbie Girl :
Aqua’s Barbie Girl could have been a silly but hugely popular song in the 90s,but you couldn’t help but enjoy its catchy tune and lyrics. The song can instantly transport you to the 90s even if you hear it today.
Trying to sing ‘I will always love you ‘:
Whitney Houston’s popular song I will always love you was a classic 90s song, and remains one of the most favorite songs to sing, even to this day.