In moments of extreme joy or sadness, your first instinct is to find someone to embrace.
Hugs are one of the most important gestures as they express feelings of love, care, compassion, or intimacy. This is why you want hugs when you are sad, happy, excited, and sometimes even when you are angry.
But did you know that hugs are more than just about wrapping your partner/friend/family in a warm embrace?

Cottonbro/ Pexels | There are MANY benefits to hugging someone
If you want to learn more, check out these facts about hugging.
1. Great for Reducing Anxiety and Stress
When you are upset or going through a rough period in your life, you find comfort when you are hugged. It is a natural response to hug someone when they’re feeling upset, anxious, or stressed. The physical touch is scientifically proven to calm you down and lower your stress levels. This calming effect can help them feel better and much more relaxed.

Albert Rafael/Pexels | So next time, if you are feeling sad, you can ask for hugs from your friends and family
2. You Need At Least Four Hugs A Day
You probably know that hugs are important for children but they are also important for adults as well. A study shows that hugs are, in fact, necessary for leading a happy life. According to family therapist Virginia Satir, you need four hugs a day to survive, eight for maintenance, and as much as 12 hugs a day for growth. With the fast-paced modern lifestyle, it is important to slow down every now and then to enjoy the small moments.
3. Helps Develop Toddler Brains
Children need not only nutritional requirements but also physical support in order to grow. Hugs are found to be great for the development of their brains. Receiving constant human contact like hugging helps them develop a strong brain through sensory development. It is one of the most positive and stimulating activities that a child can receive. A study that observed the development of children in orphanages showed that they were more prone to cognitive development issues and less developed motor skills.

Josh Willink/Pexels | Who wouldn’t want to get hugs from tiny humans?
With that, make sure to go in for a hug rather than a handshake the next time you spot a loved one.