From discussion around climate and nature to discoveries in our atmosphere and beyond, science is in the news every day. These discussions, discoveries, and inventions not only enable us to improve our quality of life but also evolve our ways of life while also helping others.

pexels/Mikhail. In specific fields like engineering and medicine, one can spend a lifetime learning and studying scientific phenomena
From primary school all the way to high school, science is a compulsory subject whereas, in specific fields like engineering and medicine, one can spend a lifetime learning and studying scientific phenomena. In modern times, science is forever at the forefront of human progress and evolution and whether you’re a chemistry whiz or a physics pro, we bet you didn’t learn these amazing facts in high school.
Soil is not dead
For most of us, the soil can seem pretty lifeless but on the contrary, it’s full of life. To quote a scientific fact, there are more microorganisms present in a single teaspoon of soil than there are humans on Earth.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that from fungi, algae, beetles, bacteria, earthworms, and microscopic insects, there are billions of organisms present in the Earth’s soil.

pexels/Mikhail. In specific fields like engineering and medicine, one can spend a lifetime learning and studying scientific phenomena
When they’re tickled, rats can actually “laugh”
You might have heard of domesticated cats and dogs enjoying being tickled but did you know that when subjected to the same action, rats laugh. Contrary to popular belief, rats are very dynamic and in a National Geographic video studying rat behavior, one can clearly see this.
In the video, we can see that like cats and dogs, rats also respond positively to affectionate behavior like tickling. Even more interesting was the fact that when this researcher stops tickling the rat and retracts their arm, the rat continues to chase after their hand in a playful manner.

pexels/Daniil. Contrary to popular belief, rats are very dynamic creatures
Bananas are radioactive
We’re all familiar with the negative aspects of radioactivity but did you know that one of your favorite foods can be radioactive too? That’s right, bananas contain potassium, and since this element decays, the fruit can slowly become radioactive over time.
Before you rush to empty your refrigerator and promptly throw out all of your bananas from the fruit storage, know that this radioactivity is extremely mild, You would have to eat millions of bananas at the same time to be faced with life-threatening circumstances.